Integrated Leadership Academy
The Intersection of Leadership & Wellbeing

Truth Seeker On A Quest
We all have unique gifts meant to be shared with the world. Within these gifts lies our collective purpose:
to awaken to the truth of who we are.
Whether we are CEOs of large organizations or stay-at-home parents, we are all part of this journey together.
My Story
Here’s a brief glimpse into the story that has guided me along these introspective paths, fueled by an insatiable thirst for knowledge, wisdom, and a deeper understanding of the human experience.
I was born in Gatineau, Quebec, in the early 1980s to a hard-working entrepreneur father and a nurturing mother who struggled with mental health issues stemming from childhood traumas.
At six years old, my world completely changed when I lost my mother to suicide. This traumatic event set me on a path toward uncovering the gifts that would ultimately shape my purpose.
Fast forward to 2012, I was navigating life as a parent of three young children, one, six, and twelve years old, when I faced the loss of three close friends within a year and a half. This ignited panic attacks so intense that I found myself in the emergency room, convinced I was having a heart attack. Deep fears were crippling me.
Those panic attacks served as a wake-up call to confront the fears and traumas I had long ignored. At that point, without fully understanding what it meant to change from the inside out, I knew that real change wouldn’t emerge from the outside; I needed to turn inward.
I had no idea where to start. I observed troubling patterns everywhere—in my relationships and in the workplace. People, myself included, seemed drained, unfulfilled, and stressed, trapped in cycles of blame, feeling not enough, and drama. We seemed to all be walking dead. It also became painfully evident that while many pursued financial success, no amount of money could fill the deep emptiness within.
Nothing seemed to add up. Disconnection loomed large; it became painfully evident that we had morphed into mere human machines, desperately seeking fulfillment while leaking it all away like a leaky container.
This realization made me even more curious, and I slowly relinquished my resistance to allow a deeper truth to emerge. I had always felt that my path was "unconventional"—it didn't always make sense, but my determination to seek answers intensified. I felt an undeniable calling to respond.
The Conscious Quest
I chose to play another version of this game of life. I took full responsibility for my life experience, embarking on a profoundly life-changing journey in all areas: my family, my well-being, and my work as a coach. ​​Recognizing that nothing exists in isolation, everything is interconnected, and that it's not what we are doing that matters most but rather where we do it from, life reveals itself in a new light.
Today, I am clear that my purpose lies in working with passionate individuals and fellow truth-seekers. Together, we engage in transformational experiences, co-creating a brighter world. This captures the essence of the Integrated Leadership Academy, a playground for leaders to ignite new depths of aliveness and embody their leadership from the inside out, a lifelong journey.
"Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world.
Today I am wise, so I am changing myself." - Rumi​
​Institute for Integrated Nutrition, Certified Integrated Health Coach
Co-Active Institute (CTI), Certified Professional Coach, CPCC
Co-Active Training Institute (CTI), Immersive Leadership Program
BeAbove Leadership, Certified NeuroTransformational Coach
The Positive Intelligence, Mental Fitness Coach
The Conscious Leadership Group, Certified 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership Coach
Hoffman, Graduate of the Hoffman Process
Integrative Enneagram IEQ9, Enneagram Practitioner
Integrative Enneagram IEQ9, Teams Enneagram Practitioner
Morter Institute of Bioenergetics, Energy Medicine Facilitator
Somatic Cognitive Behavior Therapy Certification